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Union County South Dakota Court Records

Are Court Records Public in Union County, South Dakota?

Yes, court records are public in Union County, South Dakota. According to the public record act, court records are considered public documents that can be accessed by the general public. This means that anyone can obtain and review court records in Union County, South Dakota, unless they are sealed or otherwise restricted by law.

The public record act is designed to promote transparency and accountability in the judicial system. By allowing public access to court records, it ensures that the legal process is open and fair. It allows individuals to understand and monitor the proceedings, decisions, and outcomes of court cases. This access to court records also enables the public to exercise their rights and responsibilities as citizens.

How to Find Court Records in Union County, South Dakota in 2024

To obtain court records in Union County, South Dakota in 2024, there are several methods available. One way is to visit the Union County official website at and navigate to the appropriate section for court records. The website may provide instructions on how to request court records, including any fees or forms that need to be submitted.

Additionally, court records may be available through the South Dakota Unified Judicial System (UJS) website at The UJS website offers an online portal where users can search for court records. This portal, known as the UJS Public Access Record Search (PARS), allows users to search for case information, view court calendars, and access court documents.

It is important to note that not all court records may be available online. Some records may only be accessible by visiting the Union County courthouse in person. In such cases, individuals can contact the courthouse directly to inquire about the process of obtaining court records.

Courts in Union County, South Dakota

  • Union County Courthouse: 209 E Main St, Elk Point, SD 57025, Phone: (605) 356-2101
  • Union County District Court: 209 E Main St, Elk Point, SD 57025, Phone: (605) 356-2101

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